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Faster and simpler control

MX2 inverter and EtherCat in one package

To further simplify commissioning and system costs, we offer an integrated EtherCAT option for our highly popular MX2 inverters. This integrated solution makes the need for multiple networks in machines obsolete. And with only a single connection, machine performance and maintenance time can be optimised with access to all devices and data settings from SYSMAC and HMI.


  • One machine network simplifies architecture and reduces wiring with distributed I/Os
  • Optimized machine commissioning and maintenance thought access to full MX2 data via a single connection
  • Support up to 512 MX2’s with a single EtherCAT cycle (1 ms)
  • Up to 100 times faster than MODBUS & up to 10 times faster than conventional networks
  • Speed control and indexer functions
  • Easy installation using standard STP Ethernet cable with RJ45 connectors

The package

400V3G3MX2A4004EECTMX2 3x400Vac (0.4Kw/0.75Kw, HD/ND) - EtherCAT
3G3MX2A4007EECTMX2 3x400Vac (0.75Kw/1.1Kw, HD/ND) - EtherCAT
3G3MX2A4015EECTMX2 3x400Vac (1.5Kw/2.2Kw, HD/ND) - EtherCAT
3G3MX2A4022EECTMX2 3x400Vac (2.2Kw/3.0Kw, HD/ND) - EtherCAT

1 x 200V3G3MX2AB004EECTMX2 1x230Vac (0.4Kw/0.55Kw, HD/ND) - EtherCAT
3G3MX2AB007EECTMX2 1x230Vac (0.75Kw/1.1Kw, HD/ND) - EtherCAT
3G3MX2AB015EECTMX2 1x230Vac (1.5Kw/2.2Kw, HD/ND) - EtherCAT
3G3MX2AB022EECTMX2 1x230Vac (2.2Kw/3.0Kw, HD/ND) - EtherCAT

How much does the package cost?