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Electric Heaters Condition Monitoring Device

K7TM-A2 monitors the degradation of electrical heaters, avoiding costly unplanned downtime due to heaters’ failure and allowing to plan their replacement before their degradation negatively impact the quality of products and process.

Main industries suffering of these issues are production of semiconductors, plastic molding (injection molding, thermoforming, blow molding) and electric furnaces or driers, where impaired performance of heaters or their unexpected burnout cause severe loss of productivity, material scrap and major machine downtime.
  • Automatic measurement of the heating degradation during operation, triggering warnings and alarms are triggered when a certain threshold is reached.
  • Easy retrofit of existing machinery (all in panel)
  • Usable either as stand alone device or connected to a PLC

Specifications & ordering info

Product Supply voltage AC Supply voltage DC Description
Heater resistance monitoring device, 100 to 240 VAC, transistor control output, Push-in Plus, LCD display, RS-485/Modbus/RTU
Heater resistance monitoring device, 24 VAC/VDC, transistor control output, Push-in Plus, LCD display, RS-485/Modbus/RTU
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Measurement method

K7TM can monitor the health and trend of the heater based on the rate of change of resistance value, allowing it to determine when replacement is required to utilize the remaining lifetime. Downtimes are reduced and maintenance independent of specialists is possible.

Heater resistance value trends

K7TM is able to measure the resistance values independently of these influences by filtering them out of this calculation. In addition, K7TM is able to monitor heater resistance degradation trends by comparing them to historical resistance values when used in the same environment.

Changes in heater temperature and resistance (long term)

Warning and alarm display

Until now, it has been difficult to determine the right time to service and replace heating elements. K7TM can detect deteriorating trends in the rate of change of heater resistance values and trigger alarms when a threshold is reached, the user is able to determine the optimal time for heater maintenance or replacement.
By quantifying heater deterioration and setting the threshold according to the situation, it is possible to maintain heaters independent of human experience.

Simple retrofitting of existing devices

Condition monitoring can be achieved by using a current transformer clamp on the heater power line and connecting voltage leads on each side of the heater.

Acquisition of measurement data remotely via network connections

The K7TM heater condition monitoring device reliably measures the resistance values of heaters and enables monitoring of heating status and trends both on-site and remotely. By collecting the resistance data, the device can detect signs of deterioration and identify heaters that are susceptible to failure.

Condition monitoring devices can be configured with a single tool

Easy three-step configuration The Condition Monitoring Configuration Tool allows for batch configuration of a wide range of condition monitoring devices, such as those for monitoring motors, temperatures, insulation, and heaters. It can be used without any special skills, reducing training effort

Easy three-step configuration

The Condition Monitoring Configuration Tool allows for batch configuration of a wide range of condition monitoring devices, such as those for monitoring motors, temperatures, insulation, and heaters. It can be used without any special skills, reducing training effort. Setup can be completed in just three steps: communications setup, initial setup, and trigger setup.*1 With its high operability, the tool boosts on-site productivity as well.


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