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Space critical detection solution

To stay ahead, and optimise profit, today’s machine builders must offer smaller, more compact & smart machines.

Sometimes it’s a challenge to provide the correct motion and sensing. Fortunately, we offer possibly the world’s widest range of small adaptive sensors – even better, we can provide the perfect-fitting combination of sensor, actuator and power supply as an integrated kit.


  • One expert provider for all needs
  • Best combination of miniature sensors for position & parts detection in machinery
    • Fiber amplifiers and fiber heads
    • Mini PES
    • Mini PROX
    • Compact power supply
    • Connection technology
  • Worldwide availability
  • Reduced total machine costs
  • Reduced administration tasks

Find the right sensing solution for your application

Nowadays many compact and small machines in F&B, Pharma & Auxiliary Automotive industries are designed to reduce costs, not only in materials but also in transportation, factories dimensions, etc. therefor they need to design more compact and smart machines. That’s because smaller machines use less materials, cost less to transport, and need less valuable factory floor space.

We are here to help, with our powerful range of small adaptable sensors such as fibre optics and amplifiers, photo- micro sensors, small-diameter proximity sensors and more. We also offer accessories and other synergistic products such as power supplies, relays, sockets, and connectors. It all adds up to one complete source of perfect-fit solutions for challenging sensing applications in limited spaces.

A solution can be customised based on your needs and the needs of your application.
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