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E8PC Pressure Sensors

E8PC Pressure Sensors

IoT Pressure Sensors

Detect signs of abnormalities by simultaneous measurement of pressure and temperature

  • Multi-sensing of pressure and temperature
  • Applicable for liquids and gas
  • Two-channel analog current output
  • Self-diagnostic outputs via IO-Link
  • Peak/Bottom hold function
  • High luminosity LED display
  • Easy-to-clean structure
  • Wide portfolio of adapters

Specifications & ordering info

Product Application Applicable medium Rated pressure range Output type Analogue IO-Link function IO-Link baud rate Description
Pressure sensor, liquid and gas, -0.1 to 1 MPa, PNP/NPN, IO-Link COM3, analog, M12 connector
Pressure sensor, liquid and gas, 0 to 10 MPa, PNP/NPN, IO-Link COM3, analog, M12 connector
Pressure sensor, liquid and gas, 0 to 40 MPa, PNP/NPN, IO-Link COM3, analog, M12 connector
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Multi-sensing technology

Since the sensing surface is made of a high-hard ceramics, it withstands high pressure. Pressure values are detected from changes in resistance of the strain gauge. The temperature measuring element mounted to the back of the piezoelectric element measures temperature.

Clear and precise notifications of changes in the cooling water

With the multi-sensing display, the cause of abnormality can be identified. The sensor judges by monitoring "Flow rate + Temperature" and "Pressure + Temperature". For the display colors, you can set 3 patterns, or if combined with Not lit, a total of 4 patterns. The display format allows you to understand the physical quantity units better.

Useful functions to capture equipment status

The Peak/Bottom hold function allows an error detection even in the unmanned site. The output polarity can be easily switched with a button, eliminating the need to use different sensors for each polarity. The flow rate or pressure values and temperature values can be output as analog currents at the same time, which enables simultaneous monitoring of two physical quantities even in equipment using only analog input devices.

Self-diagnostic outputs, batch settings, and visualization of on-site issues

Our product has the ability to self-diagnoses the sensor's own status and autonomously sends notification when signs of a connection error or malfunction appears. If you use the IO-Link function, you can perform batch setting from a host device. Data can be easily collected from sensors installed in existing equipment and monitored remotely simply by connecting the sensors to Visualization Software F-Scape that highlights on-site issues.

Easy-to-read digital display and adjustable angle  

The high luminosity LED gives good visibility even at the back of equipment or in dark locations. You can adjust the angle according to the mounting position so that the display is easy to read. The display can also rotate 180°.
