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Webinar: X-Ray Inspection Challenges in Power Electronics assembly

Topic Quality control & Inspection

OMRON Inspection System Division will be attending a Webinar with focus on best manufacture of Power Electronics.

The Webinar is organized by EPP   - Elektronik Produktion + Prüftechnik , the leading media platform for electronics manufacturing in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, specialized in topics from Semiconductor Packaging to SMT or THT and Test.

Power Electronics involves the design, creation and optimization of electronic circuits and systems that can handle high power. Its booming is due to its many possible applications, such as in converters and frequency converters in e-mobility, in solar inverters, in wind turbines for feeding in renewable energy and in switching power supplies. Applications extend also to energy transmission, industrial plants, electric drives and many other areas.

Power Electronics require high number of processes, such as manufacturing of components and assembling of them into a functional electronic system.

OMRON speech will focus on how 3D High Speed CT X-Ray Inspection overcomes 2D traditional issues like shadows, components overlapping, noises, providing high quality solution. You will find our X850 system  as ideal solution for your inspection needs.

Target Industries are OEM/EMS that manufacture power electronics and Designers for Manufacturing in companies in sectors like automotive industry, photovoltaics, etc.

Registration is for free! – Note OMRON speech will be in English language.

• DATE:  November 21st, 2024    hr. 10 – 16    
• Interested? You can register here!