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Next generation of collaborative robots with advanced hardware options and expanded safety features

The OMRON TM S series collaborative robots are designed to increase safety of robot operations in proximity with humans and automating repetitive tasks. The next generation of OMRON cobots offer an easy-to-use programming interface, enabling engineers of all skillsets to successfully develop robotic solutions. The built-in vision system and calibration tool will relocate the cobot to different workplaces in addition to the usual vision tools for pick and place, machine tending, material handling, palletizing, and many other applications.

  • Fast and simple programming
  • Built-in intelligent vision
  • This product complies with the combined scope of ISO 10218-1:2011 and ISO/TS-15066
  • Fast changeover using TMvision and Landmark
  • Advanced collaborative control
  • External Camera Support: Optional software to support 2 additional GigE vision cameras


Main Advantages

Safety & Certification

Newly added safety functions provides for a wide variety of safety devices/switch configurations without the need for an additional safety controller.


  • ISO 13849-1, Cat.3, PL d
  • ISO 10218-1:2011
  • UL & CSA Safety Certification


  • IP54 rating for Robot Arm, AC control box, Robot Stick and TM screen.
  • ISO Class 3 for the Cleanroom
  • Enhanced oil resistant covers for joints

Target Industries

OMRON TM Collaborative Robots are designed for a wide variety of applications in a number of industries. 

Target Applications

Easy of use – Hand Guidance

Improved hand guidance and next-generation teach pendant make programming the OMRON S Series easier than ever.


The new Robot Stick is designed to convert an OMRON TM Screen to a teaching pendant.

  • Operate, control, and program the cobot using a touch screen
  • No wiring or additional chip installation required
  • OMRON TM Pen comes standard with the OMRON TM S Series Cobots

Easy of use - Programming

The OMRON S series collaborative robots are easy to use and can be programmed using a variety of methods, including hand guidance, flow-chart programming or manual scripting.

Graphical Programming

Our innovative programming allows users to automate a task with flowbased software, creating full workflows with a click-and-drag method in TMFlow. Via Operator Platform, building an application software layout is very intuitive by drag and drop visual elements, no need for trial and error via complex coding.

Omron Next Generation Cobot – Script Programming

The script programming method in both Project and Mode, will be available for S. The Script language may enable the advanced users to program Cobot projects more concise and organized.

Built-In Vision System

The integrated vision system is the biggest advantage of OMRON TM cobots. It is designed for industrial grade pattern recognition, object positioning, and feature identification. Users can set up vision tasks for immediate deployment without going through complex steps if integrating external cameras or lighting equipment.


The new OMRON TMSimulator lets users test and verify proper operation by developing, editing and running programs offline. By building programs offline, users can develop new processes without having to take a robot out of production.

The onscreen display includes a virtual robot stick so users can control the robot just as they would control a physical robot. In addition to the standard robot control buttons, the virtual robot stick has buttons for RESET, Point, and Gripper.

The TMSimulator can test Listen Node and Network Node communications. Modbus, Ethernet Slave, and serial configurations can also be tested.


Target Industries

OMRON TM Collaborative Robots are designed for a wide variety of applications in a number of industries. 

Target Applications



robot arm tm5s series a 190x232 prod


  • Reach (mm): 900
  • Maximum payload (kg): 5
  • Maximum speed (m/s): 1.4

robot tm7s series 190x232 prod


  • Reach (mm): 700
  • Maximum payload (kg): 7
  • Maximum speed (m/s): 1.1

robot arm tm12s series a 190x232 prod


  • Reach (mm): 1300
  • Maximum payload (kg): 12
  • Maximum speed (m/s): 1.3

robot tm14s series 190x232 prod


  • Reach (mm): 1100
  • Maximum payload (kg): 14
  • Maximum speed (m/s): 1.1

cobot tm-25s 190x232 sol


  • Reach (mm): 1902
  • Maximum payload (kg): 25
  • Maximum speed (m/s): 2.1

Specifications & ordering info

Product Hardware version Payload Reach PROFINET communication EtherNet/IP communication Vision Power supply type SEMI S2 certified Food grade grease SIL according to IEC 61508 Performance level according to EN ISO 13849-1 Cable length Description
Bundle, Cobot, TM5S, HW5.0
Bundle, Cobot, TM5S, 12 m cable, HW5.0
Bundle, Cobot, TM5S, HW5.0, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP
Bundle, Cobot, TM5S, 12 m cable, HW5.0, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP
Bundle, Cobot, TM5S-X (model without camera), HW5.0
Bundle, Cobot, TM5S-X (model without camera), 12 m cable, HW5.0
Bundle, Cobot, TM5S-X (model without camera), HW5.0, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP
Bundle, Cobot, TM5S-X (model without camera), 12 m cable, HW5.0, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP
Bundle, Cobot, TM5S-M, HW5.0
Bundle, Cobot, TM5S-M, 3 m cable, HW5.0
Bundle, Cobot, TM5S-M, HW5.0, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP
Bundle, Cobot, TM5S-M, 3 m cable, HW5.0, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP
Bundle, Cobot, TM12S, HW5.0
Bundle, Cobot, TM12S, 12 m cable, HW5.0
Bundle, Cobot, TM12S, HW5.0, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP
Bundle, Cobot, TM12S, 12 m cable, HW5.0, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP
Bundle, Cobot, TM12S-X (model without camera), HW5.0
Bundle, Cobot, TM12S-X (model without camera), 12 m cable, HW5.0
Bundle, Cobot, TM12S-X (model without camera), HW5.0, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP
Bundle, Cobot, TM12S-X (model without camera), 12 m cable, HW5.0, PROFINET & EtherNet/IP
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robot arm tm s series 1350x900 prod

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robot arm tm s series 1350x900 prod

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