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SPS Italia 2022

Visit OMRON at SPS Italia 2022 and experience industrial automation solutions based on robotics, machine vision, high-speed and high-precision control application technology, artificial intelligence, and data science, that innovate manufacturing sites so that people can focus on creative work. 

In addition, balancing productivity and energy efficiency, OMRON contributes to innovative manufacturing that meets the rapidly changing market needs while considering the global environment.

One example of innovative automation, shown for the first time at a European tradeshow, is OMRON’s proof-of-concept cell that demonstrates the Robotic Integrated Controller (RIC) architecture on a pick and place biscuit application. The Robotic Integrated Controller (RIC) makes made-to-order mass production commercially viable for FMCG businesses.

See how OMRON can help manufacturers realize flexible, efficient and sustainable production at OMRON’s booth C030-D030 in hall 6.

For free tickets, please click here

For more information, please visit: https://www.spsitalia.it/en/home

integrated controller f&c demo fcard sol