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VIP invitation System Integrator | Mobile robotics

Available seats 80
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Omron Flexible Manufacturing Technology Center, Annecy

By attending you will learn about the many possibilities mobile robots provides for achieving higher productivity in your factory, including the do’s and don’ts for automising material movement flows.

The FMTC offers unique surroundings for showcasing and demonstrating mobile robotics in different production and logistical environments.

Topics that will be covered

  • Why Mobility for Flexible Manufacturing?

  • Understanding the technology

  • Software vs. Hardware

  • Models available

  • Options and accessories

  • Applications profiles

  • Return On Investment

The program will consist of discussions, presentations combined with actual demonstration - and the opportunity to network with peers and colleagues within the industry.

Date and venue

Monday March 30th 2020 

  • Arrival: March 30th in the morning
  • Departure: March 31st in the morning

Omron Electronics Annecy-Argonay
355 Route de Montava 74370
Argonay, France


Please contact your local Omron representative for furher details.

Kenneth Jochumsen (DK) +45 21614630
Petri Nikkola (FIN) +358 405049126
Jerry Heinonen (SE) +46 732801239
Bernhard Brunes (NO) +47 40036537

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