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safety & flexible manufacturing fcard event

Safe Automation for Flexible Manufacturing Factory

Join us for a virtual experience to our flexible manufacturing factory where you will discover a wide range of safety products with the most efficient solutions for you. Find out the most relevant safety applications and how to improve your safety and flexibility.


Makine Emniyeti Eğitimi

Emniyetli Üretim İçin Gelişmiş Emniyet Çözümleri

21 - 22 Nov 09.30 - 16.30
20 - 21 Feb 09.30 - 16.30
22 - 23 May 09.30 - 16.30
25 - 26 Sep 09.30 - 16.30

Safe Automation for Flexible Manufacturing Factory

Join us for a virtual experience to our flexible manufacturing factory where you will discover a wide range of safety products with the most efficient solutions for you. Find out the most relevant safety applications and how to improve your safety and flexibility.

13 Oct - 13 Oct 09.00 - 17.00 Virtual
safety & flexible manufacturing fcard event

Safe Automation for Flexible Manufacturing Factory

Join us for a virtual experience to our flexible manufacturing factory where you will discover a wide range of safety products with the most efficient solutions for you. Find out the most relevant safety applications and how to improve your safety and flexibility.


Safe Automation for Flexible Manufacturing Factory

Join us for a virtual experience to our flexible manufacturing factory where you will discover a wide range of safety products with the most efficient solutions for you. Find out the most relevant safety applications and how to improve your safety and flexibility.

13 Oct - 13 Oct 09.00 - 17.00 Virtual

Makine Emniyeti Eğitimi

Emniyetli Üretim İçin Gelişmiş Emniyet Çözümleri

21 - 22 Nov 09.30 - 16.30
20 - 21 Feb 09.30 - 16.30
22 - 23 May 09.30 - 16.30
25 - 26 Sep 09.30 - 16.30

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summer of robotics fcard event

Benefits to Use Fully Integrated Robotics Controller

We will show you Omron's brand new robotics automation platform that enables totally different level of integration of Robotics and Industrial Automation systems. We will show you the benefits of using integrated system that help you to optimize your production to next level.

Held on 09 Jul, 2020



Benefits to Use Fully Integrated Robotics Controller

We will show you Omron's brand new robotics automation platform that enables totally different level of integration of Robotics and Industrial Automation systems. We will show you the benefits of using integrated system that help you to optimize your production to next level.

Held on 09 Jul 10.00 - 11.00