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ESPE Stop Time Testing (EST)

Step-by-step safety compliance

To further help you comply with your legal obligations, we provide two supplementary services:

  • Machine Stop Time Testing

  • Safety Device Position Calculation and Verification to EN ISO 13855

Contact us for machine safety consultancy

This is a critical process in the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of a machine. Especially in any country where the Use of Work Equipment Directive has been adopted, which effectively mandates these tests.

Therefore, if you use any such item of ESPE you must have its function and positioning formally tested and verified on a regular basis by a ‘competent’ person. This also includes any safety device that fall under the scope of EN ISO 13855 such as light curtains, laser scanners, single beam light sensors, pressure mats, and interlocks etc.

The vast majority of users of the devices that fall under the scope of this standard are unaware of this requirement, and never formally test their ESPE devices, or record the results - thereby potentially putting their employees at risk.

Best practice suggest a test interval for ESPE devices as follows:

  • Type 2 devices - every 12 months

  • Type 4 devices - every 6 months.

The assessment provides:

  • Identification of each of the safety functions on the machine or assembly associated with an applicable device

  • Physical testing of the machine or assemblies stopping time, set against the safety functions identified

  • ESPE (Electro Sensitive Protective Equipment) device positioning calculation in relation to the hazard under the scope of EN ISO 13855.

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