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OMRON awarded gold rating for LGBTQ+ initiatives for the 6th consecutive year

OMRON is proud to announce that it has been awarded the Gold Standard Workplace rating under the PRIDE Index for the sixth consecutive year. The PRIDE Index, developed by ‘work with Pride’, evaluates companies and organizations for their initiatives related to sexual minorities, including LGBTQ+. This recognition reflects OMRON's ongoing commitment to promoting diversity and inclusivity within the workplace.

The PRIDE Index evaluates initiatives across five key areas: policy, representation, inspiration, development, and engagement and empowerment. OMRON has been particularly focused on promoting diversity and encouraging the performance of diverse human resources. As part of these efforts, the company has implemented various initiatives related to LGBTQ+ inclusion, such as organizing seminars to enhance understanding of diversity and revising programs since 2015. These initiatives have played a significant role in OMRON receiving the highest evaluation.

OMRON's major initiatives related to sexual minorities, including LGBTQ+, include:

1. Establishment of human rights committees and hotlines for harassment and diversity issues at all business locations in Japan.

2. Implementation of human rights training for all employees, with a focus on promoting understanding and inclusivity towards LGBTQ+ individuals.

3. Regular dissemination of information to enhance understanding of LGBTQ+ issues.

4. Program revisions to include same-sex partners in the definition of a spouse in human resource programs, rules, and welfare programs (implemented in March 2019).

5. Revision of HR and benefit programs to recognize common-law marriage as part of the definition of family (effective from April 2021).

OMRON strives to become a corporate group that embraces diversity and allows individuals with varied thoughts and value perceptions to fully demonstrate their unique capabilities and potential. This commitment aligns with the company's corporate philosophy of ‘respect for all’ and its mission to improve lives and contribute to a better society through its businesses. OMRON will continue to create an environment that enables its diverse employees to thrive and contribute to innovation, thereby fostering a better and sustainable society where individuals and companies can grow together.

These initiatives also contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by promoting inclusive workplaces and driving innovation.

About the PRIDE Index: The PRIDE Index was established by work with Pride, an NGO, to evaluate initiatives for sexual minorities, including LGBTQ+, in workplaces. It assesses companies based on their policies, representation, inspiration, development, and engagement/empowerment.

About work with Pride: Work with Pride was established to provide information and support to companies in Japan, helping them create workplaces where LGBTQ+ employees can work with dignity and actively engage.

About the SDGs: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are global goals for the period from 2016 to 2030, as documented in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted at the UN Summit in September 2015.

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