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Quality improvement of electrode molding for hot roller presses during EV battery coating process

The temperature drop of the roller during electrode rolling can cause variations in the quality of electrode performance. OMRON’s disturbance suppression function helps stabilize temperature fluctuation.


Calendering electrode sheets, manufactured using intermittent coating, can produce electrodes of varied quality due to variations in the surface temperatures of the rollers and thermal expansion. Higher battery energy density requires thinner electrodes where the thickness variation of pressed electrodes must be ±1 µm. The roller’s thermal expansion/contraction affects electrode thickness.


Our solutions enable high-precision electrode shaping by applying our unique temperature control technologies. These technologies maintain temperature uniformity by detecting variations in roller surface temperature and heating only those parts that have cooled. As a result, we have produced surface temperature variations as small as ±1°C for compact press rollers.

Our solution offers disturbance suppression function to stabilize temperature

  • Measures temperatures of each area with radiation sensors
  • Warms cooled areas to the set point with separate heaters
  • Keeps roller temperature variation within ±1 °C
  • Keeps electrode thickness variation within ±1 µm, stabilizing the quality

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Batery Coating

The temperature drop of the roller during electrode rolling can cause variations in the quality of electrode performance. OMRON’s disturbance suppression function helps stabilize temperature fluctuation.

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