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Automation blog

Flexible Manufacturing
cisel cobot billboard sol

Cisel ensures traceability, safety and quality by testing printed circuit boards with a cobot

17 June, 2021 Cisel is an Italian company that specialises in the design and production of flexible printed circuit boards (PCBs) for the automotive, civil engineering and manufacturing industries. The company recently chose an OMRON TM5 collaborative robot (cobot) to automate the electrical testing of boards used in the power steering system of a leading automotive manufacturer.
Flexible Manufacturing
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UV-C Robot helps businesses win the fight against Covid

16 June, 2021 As the UK’s customer-facing businesses plan their reopening strategies, keeping consumers and staff safe from Covid will be a key priority. In a bid to prevent future outbreaks at high footfall, everyday environments like supermarkets, bars and gyms, we have teamed up with UV Systems UK to produce an autonomous robotic sterilisation system that guarantees to kill the virus without damage or harm to surrounding goods.
Flexible Manufacturing
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Choosing a robot for a smart factory

02 April, 2021 Anyone planning to move towards a smart factory needs to choose carefully when considering possible robotic solutions. Should it be an industrial robot or a collaborative robot (cobot)? Autonomous mobile robot (AMR) technology or a fixed selective compliance assembly robot arm (SCARA)? The answer will depend on your specific needs.
Industry 4.0
elsive with tm cobot newssingle sol

Cobot Dashboard: How to visualize data for OEE improvement the smart way

16 March, 2021 The factory of the future is not only based on a well-orchestrated interaction of the most diverse machines, robots, sensors, and AI technologies. Entrepreneurs and decision-makers are also increasingly faced with the challenge of reconciling the vast amounts of data collected by the various production lines and making the best possible use of it to support their decisions. Not only does a comprehensive data strategy need to be developed. There are also technologies required that process and present the data in such a way that issues are immediately identified before major problems occur.
Flexible Manufacturing
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Affordable automation: Leasing cobots and mobile robots for flexibility on the factory floor

04 March, 2021 In line with the move to Industry 4.0, an increasing number of manufacturers are turning to automation as a way of streamlining processes and boosting productivity. A key aspect of this is the use of robots, often working alongside people in the factory. However, many companies might be reluctant to invest in additional automation, particularly following the economic difficulties presented by COVID-19. For manufacturers looking for an affordable solution, cost structures with leasing options are being implemented as an option to allow adaptability on the factory floor.
Operational Excellence
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Four top tips for automation projects in the food and beverage industry

22 February, 2021 A challenge accelerated by the Coronavirus pandemic has seen producers having to juggle between longer term range proliferation centred on consumer demands, and range (SKU’s) reduction caused by retailers and consumers rapidly changing buying habits. Companies that break new ground by using innovative technologies not only gain agility but also reduce scrap, contamination risk, waste and losses.
Flexible Manufacturing
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Three pillars of successful cobot deployment: safety, quality and flexibility from a single source

04 November, 2019 The use of collaborative robots is expected to increase rapidly in the next years to meet the needs of flexible production lines. To ensure that manufacturing layouts can be easily adapted to changing customer requirements, we recommend teaming up mobile robots and cobots. In addition, companies must consider integrated software apps and vision technology, as well as ensure support and risk assessment.
Flexible Manufacturing
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Agile and clever tailor-made mobile robotics

04 November, 2019 Major German automotive group optimizes efficiency and innovation leadership in material handling with Omron LD mobile robots and a conveyor attachment from cts GmbH.Automobile production and assembly line production have always been closely linked. It was not until Henry Ford began using conveyor belts in his factories in 1913 that the car was able to conquer the world as a mass-produced product. Today, a working day without assembly lines is inconceivable at the BMW factories. The group relies on innovative transport and logistics to increase efficiency and flexibility, to better link work processes, as well as to relieve employees from repetitive and time-consuming tasks. These concepts include Omron LD mobile robots for material transport that deliver a particularly high return on investment (ROI). These autonomous mobile robots are equipped with a conveyor tower - a height-adjustable load handling device, developed by system integrator cts GmbH. The interaction between employees and transport robots at BMW impressively demonstrates how factory harmony can be implemented in the factory of the future.
Flexible Manufacturing
tiaf automotive mobile robots newssingle en event

Top tips for choosing a mobile robot

16 October, 2019 In an age of short product lifecycles and an increasing demand for customised solutions, if you’re a manufacturer, you need to be very agile to remain competitive. For instance, you might need to make products down to a lot size of one as simply and cost-efficiently as in mass production; or to change or update your production line at short notice. One key solution is a greater co-operation between people and machinery, leading to improved efficiency and more flexibility in the design of the production line.
Flexible Manufacturing
bin picking newssingle sol

Autonomous bin picking with a collaborative mobile robot

16 October, 2019 Our TM collaborative robot provides a unique solution to easily automate applications such as picking and packing that, traditionally performed by humans, have been challenging to automate. As part of the TM series launch, we also released a mobile-compatible model, which seamlessly integrates into Omron’s LD series autonomous mobile robot. Combined with a 3D vision camera mounted directly onto the collaborative robot, this enables for example e-commerce companies to automate more complex tasks. This includes pick and place of various items onto a tray or container, as well as connecting production processes with the autonomous mobile robots for flexible manufacturing and materials handling.
Flexible Manufacturing
engineer robot programming fcard prod

The power of collaboration between machines, people and teams

01 October, 2019 With today’s rapid advances in technology, the manufacturing sector needs to be increasingly agile, ready to adapt to changing demands. Production lines must be more flexible, so that they can cope with shorter production runs, more varied products and tight deadlines. So how can manufacturers address these challenges? The solution lies in more advanced, interconnected and intelligent systems that can be programmed to handle a range of tasks.
Flexible Manufacturing
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The future of flexible production - combining the power of mobile robots and cobots

19 September, 2019 Consumer trends are changing and product life cycles are becoming shorter and shorter. As a result, manufacturers increasingly have to accommodate individual customer needs. To remain profitable, they need to have flexible production lines that can cope with rapid product changes, individual modifications and small lot sizes. Collaborative robots can help them to achieve their goals, especially if they can be used in a mobile environment – i.e. combined with mobile robotics.
Flexible Manufacturing
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Collaborative robots: forging a new future

16 September, 2019 In today’s ever-changing world, manufacturers are facing increasingly heavy demands. Factories worldwide are having to produce a high mix, low volume of products to meet customer needs, whilst also dealing with shorter product life cycles and shortages of labour. To remain competitive, manufacturers must be sufficiently agile to cope with rapid changes in lines and layouts.